Industrial Consultancy
Salford Magnetic Resonance have been involved in industrial applications of LR-NMR
for more than 10 years and have considerable in-house experience of applications
across a variety of industries including agro-foods, petrochemicals and textiles.
Projects we have undertaken include:
Applications Projects
- Development of a major application for LR-NMR equipment in the processed food industry.
- Development of an agricultural application for LR-NMR equipment including ISO & US government validation of the method.
- Development of a major application in the textile industry for a new LR-NMR system.
- Assistance in developing a new ASTM standard in the petroleum industry for LR-NMR.
- Development of a major application for the chocolate industry in collaboration with a major chocolate manufacturer.
Hardware Development Projects
- Development of high sensitivity RF probes for LR-NMR.
- Development of a pulsed field gradient system for industrial LR-NMR.
- Development of an RF modulation system for LR-NMR.
- Project leading a development group to develop a new industrial LR-NMR instrument from scratch.
In addition we have a large amount of experience in diagnosing faults and resolving problems with industrial LR-NMR instruments
both on site and remotely.
Why use an industrial consultant ?
This is a question we are often asked, particularly when many manufacturers offer similar services.
Here are a few reasons we think are relevant:
- The consultant works for you: at Salford Magnetic Resonance all we are selling you is our expertise, not a particular
instrument. We represent our clients rather than a particular manufacturer
- The consultant is independent of any manufacturer: Salford Magnetic Resonance receives no sales commission from
any instrument manufacturer. The advice we give is impartial & in the best interests of our client.
- The consultant is paid for the work that is done: Instrument manufacturers often offer to do work without payment on
the promise of future sales. Such work often requires higher management approval & projects are limited to those that are likely to generate a large
number of sales. In our experience this can often lead to delays & complicated commercial issues. At Salford Magnetic Resonance we look at each project individually
& our aim is to provide a timely & cost effective solution to the clients issues. In addition, we can often
look at small projects of limited interest to a manufacturer & produce solutions tailored to the specific needs of
our clients.
Our Services
The consultancy services we offer include:
- Development of new applications for LR-NMR equipment.
- Development of bespoke hardware & software for LR-NMR instrumentation.
- Optimising the use of existing LR_NMR equipment.
- Independent advice on problems, including service issues, with existing LR-NMR equipment and applications.
- An instrument repair service for LR-NMR equipment.
- Independent advice on selection of LR-NMR equipment for a given application.
- Determining whether LR-NMR is the optimal technique for a given application
If you have a query regarding any of our services please fill in our contact form on the following link
Contact Form or e-mail us at .